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Call WASLER direct Mon-Fri 9-5 01355 249897 (South Lan)
0141 404 0015 (East Ren)

How do I know if what I’m experiencing is domestic abuse?

Talking about your concerns with someone outside of the situation can help. Contact us if you can on 01355 249 897 – the information you give us will be kept strictly confidential.

How common is domestic abuse?

Unfortunately, domestic abuse is fairly common – one in four women in Scotland have experienced it at some point in their lives. In 2016-17 there were 58,810 incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland, making it the greatest single demand on Police Scotland.

Is domestic abuse caused by alcohol and drugs?

Abusers who use alcohol and drugs may use this as an excuse for their behaviour and they may behave more dangerously towards their victim when they have been using alcohol or drugs. But evidence shows that it is not the root cause of the abuse. Using alcohol and drugs does not excuse abusive behaviour.

This has happened to me before – why?

Women do not deliberately set out to find abusive men. Abusers are skilled manipulators and will wear down their victims so that they no longer feel entitled to safety. Added to this, often, abuse only starts when a relationship is well established.

I’m scared that my partner will find out that I’m contacting you. What do I do?

If you are worried about using your phone in case your phone is being monitored try to use a friend’s phone to contact us. Alternatively you can email or use the online chat on our website.

Will you share what I tell you with others?

Women's Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire operates on the basis that women, children and young people approaching us for confidential support and information are entitled to have their confidentiality respected.

In general, no information given in confidence by any woman, child or young person will be divulged to any person outside WASLER.

WASLER workers will only breach confidentiality if they consider a someone to be at serious risk of harm. Wherever possible, we will speak with you before any action is taken.

Make a donation

If you’d like to help us make a difference in women, children and young people’s lives please follow the link below.

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If you’d like to work or volunteer for us, you can see our current vacancies here.

Vacancies and volunteering
